Manny Adumbire

  • Certain types of content( e.g., product listings ) are much easier to analyze and compare when the data is presented in rows or within a table. However, many websites use custom designed (HTML)containers which are essentially puffed up “rows” with data points arbitrarily scattered within the container. Luckily, you can extract information from the page…

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  • The setup process for contributing to WPCLI can be tricky. Although the docs are clear and concise, any contributors who prefer using Docker instead of Vagrant may get stuck. This guide attempts to bridge the gaps to enable Docker enjoyers to contribute just as easily.The steps to follow assume that you are comfortable with WordPress…

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  • It can be tricky to debug GitHub Actions. Although GitHub Actions Documentation is well organized, it’s light on details. The docs do not always expound on common pitfalls developers might run into. Here are some issues( and solutions) to be aware of when using GitHub Actions for DevOps or other projects. Passing Dynamic Values for…

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  • Regex ProTips

    Of the many tired sayings uttered by professional developers, this one about regular expressions is actually(mostly) true: Some people, when confronted with a problem, think “I know, I’ll use regular expressions.” Now they have two problems. popular quote by Jamie Zawinski Here are some ways to mitigate the pain of regex-ing and make matching fun again.…

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  • Todays software chains and stacks are massive and hopelessly complex. It’s completely normal to fatigue at the mere thought of setting up a proper testing environment that to allow us to develop features or bug fix unfamiliar code without getting lost in the forest. Here are some PHP-focused techniques to quickly iterate on bug fix…

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  • Get more work done in less time and keystrokes, using the command line interface on Linux, Mac, & other UNIX-ish systems. Switch directories with”$OLDPWD” or “-” The $OLDPWD variable evaluates to the path of the previously visited directory. The hyphen(-) symbol as shorthand on most shells.Both are quick way to hop back-and-forth between any two…

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